
Indispensable Item for primary school #6

 KyusyokuBukuro (the bag for school-provided lunch)

Kyusyoku (school-provided lunch) was launched after the World War II for ensuring children’s health. Now although we can eat a variety of food, primary school children eat school-provided lunch in Japan.
So Japanese primary school children must prepare
There are
place mat, mask, handkerchief and chopsticks (vary by locality) in the KyusyokuBukuro. Then children put it on a Japanese special school bag’s hook.

Children take turns to serve school lunches so we had an experience that classmate knock over meal at least once six years. We have to ask another class if there left meal.  Of course, another classmates shared it soon.

We learn a lot from these experience. To take responsibility, to share, to get together and to take thought etc…
It might that KyusyokuBukuro is one of tool for enhance Japanese elementary student’s social development.


Indispensable Item for primary school #5

Tool box (ODOUGU BAKO)     

ODOUGUBAKO is a tool box for elementary student. There are some blocks for number work, toy clock for telling time, clay, colored pencil set, felt pen (for Japanese calligraphy lesson) etc… in a box.

We received the tool box at enrollment ceremony day!  We keep it in school desk at school during school term. Then, we take it home before we have long holiday. We use it with change purchased tools during long holiday in six years.

We look forward to use some tool in the box every day! So, when teacher says “Put tool out ODOUGUBAKO”, how much we can enjoy!!! ODOUGUBAKO makes a class more enjoyable!



Nengajyou (New Year's Greeting Cards)

We write New year's greeting cards (we called Nengajyou) in December like Christmas cards.

Come Christmas season, the special postcards and stamps for new year's greeting cards are put on sale. Then most mail slot in Japan are changed for receivingh new year's cards until January 7.

New year's cards which we droped into post box until about December 25 are delivered on January 1st!!!

Then we recieved Nengajyou what someone wrote to us, there are number on the bottom part of the nengajyo. Although you may be able to have valuable things, don't forget to
check winning number. It will be announced by end of January. (We can get it by July.)
But I just received the original stamp sheet every year... Despite we recieve about 150 cards  every year... Bummage...