Nengajyou (New Year's Greeting Cards)
We write New year's greeting cards (we called Nengajyou) in December like Christmas cards.
Come Christmas season, the special postcards and stamps for new year's greeting cards are put on sale. Then most mail slot in Japan are changed for receivingh new year's cards until January 7.
New year's cards which we droped into post box until about December 25 are delivered on January 1st!!!
Then we recieved Nengajyou what someone wrote to us, there are number on the bottom part of the nengajyo. Although you may be able to have valuable things, don't forget to
check winning number. It will be announced by end of January. (We can get it by July.)
But I just received the original stamp sheet every year... Despite we recieve about 150 cards every year... Bummage...
Then we recieved Nengajyou what someone wrote to us, there are number on the bottom part of the nengajyo. Although you may be able to have valuable things, don't forget to
check winning number. It will be announced by end of January. (We can get it by July.)
But I just received the original stamp sheet every year... Despite we recieve about 150 cards every year... Bummage...