
Indispensable Item for primary school #6

 KyusyokuBukuro (the bag for school-provided lunch)

Kyusyoku (school-provided lunch) was launched after the World War II for ensuring children’s health. Now although we can eat a variety of food, primary school children eat school-provided lunch in Japan.
So Japanese primary school children must prepare
There are
place mat, mask, handkerchief and chopsticks (vary by locality) in the KyusyokuBukuro. Then children put it on a Japanese special school bag’s hook.

Children take turns to serve school lunches so we had an experience that classmate knock over meal at least once six years. We have to ask another class if there left meal.  Of course, another classmates shared it soon.

We learn a lot from these experience. To take responsibility, to share, to get together and to take thought etc…
It might that KyusyokuBukuro is one of tool for enhance Japanese elementary student’s social development.